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Exercising yourrights.

You can use this form to submit a request to exercise your rights. Please select the rights you would like to exercise from the drop down menu below and allow for up to 48 hours for Swash to get back to you.

For more details and information about how your information is used and protected at Swash, please visit the Privacy Policy.

Full name


Request type

Country and User type

As a global service provider, Swash operates according to compliance with various global data protection laws. Swash refers to the baseline standards of GDPR but, if your country’s timelines are more restrictive and you do not provide the requested information below, it may not be possible to comply with your request within the more restrictive timeline. For users in the United States, in addition to the form below, you can also submit a Do Not Share request by submitting a ticket via the Help Center.


Please provide more details

To ensure that your request is completed properly, please provide any additional details that you think will be useful for Swash to know to understand your request in the box below.

Please do not include any additional personal data in the Request details field.

Request details